Fiji Tour 2024 – Group Travel Confirmation

We will lock in seats on this group booking and want to confirm your choices to fly with the group.. we do appreciate that some of you will make your own arrangements and our travel agent will help you if your require.

Fiji Airways have provided a Group Booking quote for the following for 10 Nights 11 Days

Depart 28/09/2024 13:45 Arrive 19:25
Return 08/10/2024 19:00 Arrive 22:10
Adult         $1,042
Child <12  $   680

We will be booking the players and additional seats by COB On Friday 17th November to lock in these prices

Regular Pricing for same flights are
Adult        $1,154
Child<12   $ 758

If you later decide to cancel your flight choice before we lock in passenger names apx 70 days before that we may loose the $100 deposit if we have more than 5 cancellations. please see the Terms and conditions pdf

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